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  • ブロックシェアのグラフ
    生成予測 発見 有効 無効 無効割合[%] 平均Difficulty シェア推定値 実際のシェア 実際/推定[%] MONA数量 生成率
    総合 2,900,866 2,870 2,867 3 0.10 55,716.4865 40,893,226,710 41,389,484,207 101.21% 78,432.38 0.10%
    直近1時間 40 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
    直近24時間 960 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
    直近7日間 6,720 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
    直近4週間 26,880 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
    過去の12ヶ月 322,560 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
    ブロック 残り承認数 発見者 発見時刻 Difficulty 数量 推定シェア 実際のシェア 実際/推定[%]
    1450473 Confirmed inyu- 09/27/2018 02:57:54 47,834.3386 25.00 12,245,591 3,866,436 31.57
    1450396 Confirmed boyayan 09/27/2018 00:42:08 79,180.3724 25.00 20,270,175 69,372,081 342.24
    1448491 Confirmed hydenox 09/24/2018 22:55:28 60,215.0935 25.00 15,415,064 10,016,982 64.98
    1448186 Confirmed FooVar 09/24/2018 14:59:55 77,697.8085 25.02 19,890,639 17,900,757 90.00
    1447690 Confirmed anonymous 09/24/2018 01:57:18 60,358.1062 25.00 15,451,675 1,247,824 8.08
    1447655 Confirmed shininnoah 09/24/2018 01:06:18 23,643.4397 25.00 6,052,721 4,835,039 79.88
    1447518 Confirmed shinshin 09/23/2018 21:31:17 60,024.9016 25.00 15,366,375 14,677,746 95.52
    1447091 Confirmed soudelor 09/23/2018 10:09:18 62,602.4219 25.02 16,026,220 60,850,924 379.70
    1445405 Confirmed hydenox 09/21/2018 14:04:14 36,018.6661 25.00 9,220,779 6,557,584 71.12
    1445220 Confirmed anonymous 09/21/2018 09:22:01 34,996.4291 25.00 8,959,086 3,567,107 39.82
    1445128 Confirmed QuickSilvre 09/21/2018 06:53:10 31,171.4926 25.00 7,979,902 2,998,409 37.57
    1445055 Confirmed kuro_pc9939 09/21/2018 04:55:34 32,014.7126 25.00 8,195,766 7,105,972 86.70
    1444878 Confirmed teaplum 09/21/2018 00:16:41 47,238.2508 25.00 12,092,992 20,825,645 172.21
    1444348 Confirmed moonzero 09/20/2018 10:21:34 39,533.3373 25.00 10,120,534 17,460,307 172.52
    1443912 Confirmed makopicut 09/19/2018 23:02:27 38,334.6730 25.00 9,813,676 3,887,344 39.61
    1443810 Confirmed anonymous 09/19/2018 20:17:57 31,797.3641 25.00 8,140,125 2,352,386 28.90
    1443742 Confirmed anonymous 09/19/2018 18:30:34 37,928.7661 25.07 9,709,764 4,240,826 43.68
    1443613 Confirmed anonymous 09/19/2018 15:15:21 49,458.2130 25.00 12,661,303 8,907,418 70.35
    1443376 Confirmed HeronShoes 09/19/2018 08:47:22 52,343.6572 25.01 13,399,976 6,366,249 47.51
    1443218 Confirmed hydenox 09/19/2018 04:42:33 48,865.1174 25.00 12,509,470 8,177,676 65.37
    合計 243,521,833 275,214,712 113.01